Membership Application Form

Membership Application / Renewal Form

Glenwood (Qld) Wildlife Awareness Inc. (GQWA ABN 82846755277 Inc: IA4614781) Agreement:

  • I agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Glenwood (Qld) Wildlife Awareness Inc. and all the bylaws passed by the Association.
  • I agree to abide by and uphold all Code of Conduct and Regulations set by Glenwood Wildlife Awareness.
  • I acknowledge that courtesy, respect, dignity and fairness will be observed at all times.
  • I understand and accept that each member where possible, will assist with activities organised by the association when available.

I understand that:

  • Members under 18 years cannot vote.
  • Membership fee per financial year July/August – $10 per adult payment due 31st August. Children under 16 free.
  • New Members payment (February to August) $5, (September to January) $5.

Account details for Fees and Donations

BSB: 633000
Account: 195615323